Monday, July 4, 2011
Intelligent and Spiritual Leaders
By : Prof. M. Suyanto
In his book, SQ: Spiritual Intelligence-The Ultimate Intelligence, Danah Zohar and Ian Marshall told about a Mexican American businessmen and fishermen. American businessmen praised the fisherman and asked him how long it takes to catch it. Mexican fisherman replied, "Just a minute". Employers Amerikaitu asked again "Why did you not stay at sea for longer in order to get more fish?". "This fish is sufficient to meet family needs me," replied the fisherman. "But, what do you do with the rest?" Asked the American businessman. Mexican fisherman answered "I sleep late, fish a little, play with my kids, sleeping with istaya, stroll into the village every night to sip wine and play guitar with my friends. I have a life full and busy and Senior ".
American businessman scoffed, "I am a Harvard MBA and could help you. You should use more time to catch fish. With the profits from it, you can buy a bigger boat. From the bigger boat you could buy several boats again. In the end, you will have a fleet of fishing boats. Instead of selling the catch to the middleman, you can sell directly to the fish processing factory, and finally, you can open your own cannery business. You would control the product, processing, and distribution. Later, you have to leave this small coastal village and move to Mexico City, then to Los Angeles, and finally, to New York, and you will be running his own company that is growing. "Then nelaya Mexicans ask," But the senior, how long the time required for this? ". American businessman replied "Fifteen to twenty-five years". "Then after that what, Senior?" Asked the fisherman. American businessman laughed and said that this was the best part. "If the time is right, you will mensual lepada public company's stock and became very wealthy. You will make millions. "" Millions of Senior. Then what? ". American businessman said: "Then you would retire. Move to a small beach town so you can sleep late, fish a little, play with the kids, enjoying a nap with his wife, stroll into the village at night and sip wine and play guitar with friends. "
According to Danah Zohar and Ian Marshall, enterpreneur foolish American in the story spiritually, while fishing Mexico's spiritually intelligent. The fishermen have an intelligent understanding of his own purpose it deems important, his own deepest motivations. She underwent a lifestyle that can meet the needs of himself or his family, he took the time to the things that mattered to him, he felt at peace, he centralized. Instead American businessman, the son of a stupid culture spiritually, ambitious, he must accomplish something for the sake of the achievement itself, contact with life which gives a deep motivation, he has absorbed the ideals of the meaningless, only the ideals he learned at Harvard. The fisherman will likely live longer and die peacefully, while the employers will have a heart attack, died with feelings of sadness, because it failed to achieve its goals.
Level of spiritual intelligence is a new Mexican low level of spiritual intelligence, which is meaningful bari himself and his family. The second level of spiritual intelligence is meaningful to the community and the highest meaningful to God, which lives solely to serve God.
Prophet Muhammad divided his time into three parts. Third for his Lord, one third to one-third to community and family. Aisha r.a. said: "The Prophet s.a.w. wake up to pray night broke his leg, so I scolded: Why do that when God has forgive you of sin is past and future? "answered the Prophet" Would not be a servant is only fitting that I thank Him. "
In meminpin deeply loved companions of the Prophet Muhammad. God made him as the leader of those who passed and those terkhir. God makes his companions as his best friend of the Prophet. "The best of my Ummah are those who love you, and you love them. And the worst of my people are the people curse you, and you curse them "words of the Prophet. Last words before his death was "my people ... .. my people" because he was so love the people.
Rasululah s.a.w. like to invite bersenda-joked with his wife and follow their way of thinking according to their degree of reason and morality in action. Messenger s.a.w. loves his children, often greet them when on the road and play with them. Husin Hasan and grandson often backs up the Prophet in prayer and the Prophet is not disturbed children who were agile. Often grandson of the Prophet kissed it. In the household of the Prophet said: "My house is like heaven to me".
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